die hard 4.0 bahasa Inggris
- hard: hard (rihanna song)
- bluetooth 4.0: bluetooth low energy
- industri 4.0: fourth industrial revolution
- pekerjaan 4.0: work 4.0
- linkin park underground 4.0: lp underground 4.0
- berkas creative commons attribution-sharealike 4.0: creative commons attribution-sharealike 4.0 files
- teks lisensi creative commons atribusi-berbagiserupa 4.0 internasional: text of creative commons attribution-sharealike 4.0 international license
- 0: quart
- hard-disk: hard disk; hard drive; hard disk drive
- party hard: party hard (video game)
- arondisemen die: arrondissement of die
- die konservenbraut: the canned bride
- die linke: the left (germany)
- die verwandlung: the metamorphosis
- die windsbraut: the bride of the wind
- Live Free or Die Hard (released as Die Hard 4.0 outside North America) is a 2007 American action thriller film, and the fourth installment in the Die Hard film series.
Live Free or Die Hard (dirilis dengan nama Die Hard 4.0 di luar Amerika Utara) adalah sekuel keempat dari film-film Die Hard.